Welcome to Cerberus Consultancy!

Empower, Educate, Excel

My mission is to empower, educate, and drive excellence within your organization. I am dedicated to helping you and your team thrive with personalized support, collaborative growth, and continuous improvement. Together, we will achieve success by helping every individual and team reach their full potential.


I am dedicated to empowering you and your organization. How can we strengthen and enhance the existing confidence and capabilities within your team? By offering personalized coaching, interactive workshops, and engaging courses, I will work closely with you to support and develop your team’s strengths. My collaborative approach ensures that we face and overcome challenges together, fostering an environment where empowerment leads to tangible growth. This strong foundation of empowerment sets the stage for our next goal: Education.


Education is a cornerstone of sustainable growth. How can we create a culture of continuous learning and knowledge sharing within your organization? I tailor collaborative learning and development programs to meet your unique needs, using webinars, comprehensive courses, and interactive workshops according to your needs whether it’s in person, online or blended. My collaborative environment is designed to encourage everyone to contribute and grow. Many organizations have been transformed through this tailored approach of fostering continuous improvement, demonstrating its effectiveness. This commitment to continuous education naturally progresses to our focus on excellence.


Achieving excellence is a continuous process. How can we use the insights we gather through collaborative learning to drive continuous improvement? By working with you as part of your team, I help collect and analyze the data and information from our sessions and provide reports and recommendations to your organization’s leadership to help them make informed decisions. This approach ensures that your organization is always evolving and improving. Together, we create an environment where excellence thrives, and everyone is motivated to reach their full potential.

Experience Empowerment, Education, and Excellence with Cerberus Consultancy: Dedicated to helping you and your organization excel.

My Services

Tailored Consultations

My tailored consultations are designed to meet the unique needs of your organization. I start by understanding your specific challenges and goals, then develop a customized strategy that aligns with your objectives. Through one-on-one sessions, I can provide personalized advice and actionable insights to drive growth and improvement. This collaborative approach ensures that you receive the support and guidance necessary to achieve sustainable success and excel in your industry.

Expert Coaching

My coaching services are crafted to unlock the full potential of your team. With years of experience and a deep understanding of various industries, I offer personalized coaching sessions that address your unique challenges and goals. Through a combination of motivational techniques, strategic advice, and skill-building exercises, I help individuals and teams develop their strengths and overcome obstacles. This focused and hands-on approach ensures that your organization not only meets its current objectives but also builds a foundation for future success.

Customized Trainings

My tailored interactive learning workshops are designed to engage and empower your team through collaborative learning experiences. Whether conducted in person, virtually, blended, or asynchronously, these workshops are tailored to address your specific needs and objectives, ensuring that the content is relevant and impactful.

Why Choose Cerberus Consultancy?


I am dedicated to empowering, educating individuals, teams, and organizations and working towards excellence. My mission is to provide unparalleled guidance and support specifically tailored to the unique challenges of modern environments. I believe in fostering strong, enduring relationships with my clients, built on principles of confidentiality, respect, and continuous growth. By creating a safe and inclusive environment, I am dedicated to helping you and your team thrive with personalized support, collaborative growth, and continuous improvement.


Masters Degree [King's College London]


Bachelors degree [Florida International University]

Summa Cum Laude, Phi Beta Kappa, Phi Kappa Phi

Key Skills

Personalized Coaching

I excel at providing tailored coaching sessions that address the unique challenges and goals of individuals and teams. My approach is focused on empowering clients to develop their strengths and overcome obstacles.

Interactive Workshops

I am skilled in designing and facilitating interactive workshops that engage participants through hands-on activities, real-world scenarios, and collaborative problem-solving. These workshops are adaptable to in-person, virtual, blended, and asynchronous formats.

Comprehensive Course Development

I have expertise in creating comprehensive courses that cater to various learning styles and needs. This includes developing content for webinars, online courses, and blended learning programs.

Collaborative Growth Strategies

My ability to foster a culture of collaborative growth is a key strength. I encourage knowledge sharing and mutual support within organizations to drive continuous improvement and development.

Data-Driven Insights

I am proficient in collecting and analyzing data from training and development sessions. This enables me to provide actionable insights and recommendations that help organizations make informed decisions and achieve sustainable growth.

Continuous Improvement

I am dedicated to the principle of continuous improvement, constantly seeking ways to enhance the effectiveness of my training programs and support services. This involves regular feedback loops and iterative development processes.

Empowerment and Motivation

Empowering and motivating individuals and teams is at the core of my approach. I use motivational techniques and strategies to inspire confidence and drive performance.

Leadership Support

I offer strong support to organizational leadership, providing guidance on strategic development and helping to align training initiatives with business objectives.

Adaptability and Flexibility

My programs are highly adaptable, ensuring they can meet the diverse needs of different organizations. I am flexible in my delivery methods, whether in-person, online, or through a blended approach.

Effective Communication

Clear and effective communication is one of my key skills. I ensure that all training materials and sessions are communicated in a way that is easily understandable and engaging for all participants.

Innovative Learning Solutions

I am skilled in developing innovative learning solutions that incorporate the latest educational technologies and methodologies to enhance learning outcomes.

Stakeholder Engagement

I excel at engaging with various stakeholders within an organization to ensure that training and development programs are aligned with their needs and expectations.

Recent Sector Experience

  • Designed, Developed, and Implemented the training and exercise curriculum for a $1.15M program (SAQMIP22CA0010) focusing on Kurdish/Iraqi law enforcement and aviation security collaboration, delivering 29 modules to participants from 21 organizations. Aimed to improve incident management in aviation operational environments and critical infrastructure including, CBW material identification, CBRN crime scene handling, zoning strategies, and decontamination to boost airport security.

  • Designed, Developed and Oversaw the curriculum implementation of a $480,794 project (SLMAQM20CA2192) for North African law enforcement in CBRN/WMD crime scene management, evidence collection, and forensic investigation impacting participants from multiple organizations, fostering investigative skills, and supporting ISN/WMDT's anti-terrorism objectives.

  • Contributed in designing, developing, and implementing the curriculum and workshops for a $933,941 initiative (SLMAQM19CA2278) to elevate Iraqi border security through 27+ operational modules for participants, enhancing inter-ministerial synchronization and command capabilities, leading to improved operational efficiency and interagency coordination.


Bushnell, Florida 33513

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